Shanti Rubenstone
Wednesdays, May 1-June 5, 7:30-9 pm
Cost: $75 for 6-week series
or $15/class
May 29: Paramhansa Yogananda
“The vibrations of many spiritually seeking souls come floodlike to me. I perceive potential saints in America and Europe, waiting to be awakened.” Said Babaji to Yogananda: “You are the one I have chosen to spread the message of Kriya Yoga in the West.”
—Paramhansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi
Yogananda came to America in 1920 not to “dogmatize you with a new theology,” as he later told his students, but “to teach you how to commune with God directly.” He lectured to hundreds of thousands throughout the country. His Autobiography of a Yogi, first published in 1946, has become one of the most well-read spiritual books of the last century, and a classic of religious literature. He was devoted to helping unite East and West by bringing the original teachings of yoga to the West, and showing their underlying unity with the original teachings of Christ. He advocated the founding of what he called “world-brotherhood colonies” where people could live together in spiritually supportive communities.
Yogananda means “Divine Bliss through Yoga.” Paramhansa means “highest swan.” The white swan or hansa is said to have the power of extracting only milk (wisdom, enlightenment) from a mixture of milk and water (the mundane world), and is a symbol of spiritual discrimination.
Ananda’s lineage of Masters are deeply rooted in the teachings of Self-realization. Each week we will explore the life of one of these great teachers, weaving together the story of their immense wisdom, power, and love. The masters come, not to show us how great they are, but to show us how great we, ourselves, can become.
Instructor: Shanti Rubenstone
Cost: $75 for 6-week series or $15/class
Register online for 10% discount
May 1: Jesus (Saranya)
May 8: Babaji (Saiganesh)
May 15: Lahiri Mahasaya (Tandava)
May 22: Sri Yukteswar (Lakshmi)
May 29: Yogananda (Shanti)
June 5: Swami Kriyananda, friend and guide (Asha)