Worship services
Sundays, 10-11:30 am
Fire ceremony & meditation, 9-9:45 am
Sunday school for children (ages 6-12) (Sept 1-June 15)
Family Worship
2nd Saturdays, 4pm
Sunday mornings at Ananda are joyful, devotional and music-filled. If you have been uninspired by most church services, you may find these uplifting to the heart. Newcomers are welcome. Drop in any time, or watch online.
Sunday mornings: What to Expect
Our service draws inspiration from both the Christian Bible and the Bhagavad Gita. Service includes music, group chanting and meditation, an inspirational talk drawn from the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, and a unique blessing ceremony called the Festival of Light.
Our hearts and our sanctuary are open to truth seekers of all traditions and orientations, people exploring meditation for the first time, and anyone who seeks a deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of life.
Before service begins at 10 am, you are welcome to a period of meditation from 9 to 9:45 am. We begin this period with a Vedic (ancient Indian) fire ceremony with Sanskrit chants. This is followed by an opportunity for individual prayer and meditation. You may offer that prayer at the altar and receive a blessing from one of the ministers.
After service, you are invited to meet the ministers and congregation over refreshments.
““During the service, I experienced a wonderful peace and stillness, such as I have only read about, and until then, felt was only attainable by the great saints. It was a tangible experience of God’s presence in my life. You have taught me how to find God within, and have been truly divine friends along the way. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.””
Watch one of our recent Sunday service here. Or browse through the whole playlist of services on YouTube.
For Families & Children
2nd Saturdays, 4pm
Children, like all of us, are hungry for meaning and understanding. Parents and extended family are invited to this joyful child-oriented celebration of Spirit. Watch a recent Family Service, which includes storytelling, singing, a fire ceremony, and meditation.
Sunday School
Every Sunday, 10-11 am, ages 6-12
Offered Sept 1-June 15
Children join together in worship and joy with an experienced facilitator from 10-11 am. This can include chanting, yoga postures, meditation, stories of inspiration, devotion, art, and song. At 11, all children have a period of supervised play. And at 11:30 am, all children come into the Temple for the closing Service blessing.
Child Care
Regrets; child care isn’t offered during Service at this time. But it’s something we like to offer if we can. When it’s available again, you’ll see it here.