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Four-week series • Aug 4 - Aug 25
The Bhagavad Gita, the highly regarded Indian scripture, describes the allegorical battle between forces drawing us towards God realization and those that keep us bound to material delusions.
In it, Krishna (representing the divinely realized teacher) offers to Arjuna (representing the truth seeker) counsel to fight the battle of life. Their conversations presents the import of all scriptures offering incredible clarity into spiritual concepts, from the most esoteric to practical and even mundane.
In this 4 week class series, we will explore specific parts of the Gita to gain a deeper understanding of two important spiritual principles - Dharma and Karma.
Karma represents actions and their fruits - the cause and effect framework that holds together all life. Dharma is right action - that which draws us towards perfect happiness.
Based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda we will
Study the symbolic framework of the Gita and its relevance in our lives
Define the two principal concepts - Dharma & Karma - as they apply to us
Introspect on our personal journey and the specific lessons offered to us in this lifetime
Lean to integrate the teachings of Bhagavad Gita in our day to day actions and spiritualize them
This class will be offered in-person in the Ananda temple, and also online via livestream. To participate in guided activities, participants are recommended to join in-person.
Guided by Saiganesh, Kamaladevi and Saranya
Suggested Donation $60, No cost for contributing members of Ananda Palo Alto