
A longer look out, so you can plan your calendar with these events in mind. Some of these include special events at Ananda Village near Nevada City, CA, where Ananda first began.




8/17 - Farm to Table dinner at Ananda Valley Farm / Shakespeare music

September 2023

9/12/23 - Swami Kriyananda’s Discipleship Celebration

9/23/23 -  Operation Golden Palace Fundraiser

October 2023

10/14/23 - Farm to Dinner at Ananda Valley Farm


11/18– Kriya Initiation at Ananda Palo Alto, 5:30 pm

11/23– Thanksgiving Service and Banquet, 10:00-2:00 pm


12/3– Christmas Concert

12/24/23- Christmas Eve Celebration

12/25/23 - Christmas Day Service

12/31/23 - New Year’s Eve