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NEW: Fire ceremony at 9:40, before service begins at 10.
Sunday service — 10-11:30 am
with Lakshmi
Services at Ananda are joyful, music-filled, and thoughtful. They explore meaningful answers to challenging questions about life. There is often laughter, and sometimes heartfelt tears.
Service is inspired by the spiritual teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi) and his lifelong disciple, Swami Kriyananda. It begins with a short period of chanting and meditation, followed by readings from the Bhagavad Gita and Bible, a 30-minute sermon, and a ceremony afterward, called the Festival of Light.
Watch a previous Sunday Service with Lakshmi.
Also on Sunday:
Meditation and Fire Ceremony
Every Sunday, 9-9:45 am
Before service begins at 10 am, you are welcome to a period of silent meditation from 9 to 9:45 am. Those who wish can also participate in a ceremony of individual prayer for freedom or clarity about a personal challenge, called the Purification Ceremony. You may offer that prayer at the altar and receive a blessing from one of the ministers.
Sunday School for children
Sundays, 10-11 am, ages 6-12
*Offered Sept 1-June 15; Childcare is year-round
Children join together in worship and joy with an experienced facilitator from 10-11 am. This can include chanting, yoga postures, meditation, stories of inspiration, devotion, art, and song. At 11, all children have a period of supervised play. And at 11:30 am, all children come into the Temple for the closing Service blessing. Learn more
Child care
Every Sunday, 10-11:30 am, ages 3-12
Young children engage in supervised play, art, or reading. There is a small playground as well as areas for basketball and other sports. At 11:30 am, all children come into the Temple for the closing Service blessing. Learn more
Parents with babies may watch service on a closed-circuit TV in a classroom in the Yoga Center (right near the Temple). Babies are also welcome in the Temple during a blessing ceremony that takes place in the last 10 minutes of service (about 11:20-11:30 am).