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Our Spiritual Lineage: Lahiri Mahasaya

  • Ananda Teaching Center 2171 El Camino Real Palo Alto, CA United States (map)
Brahmachari Tandava

Brahmachari Tandava

Wednesdays, May 1-June 5, 7:30-9 pm
Cost: $75 for 6-week series
or $15/class

May 15: Lahiri Mahasaya

After his initiation by Babaji in 1861, Lahiri Mahasaya continued to live the modest life of a married householder in Varanasi, India. He set an ideal example of balanced living, attending to both his worldly and his spiritual duties. Over the years, as he meditated quietly in his front room, thousands came to him for initiation into Kriya Yoga. One of his foremost disciples was Sri Yukteswar, the destined guru of Paramhansa Yogananda. Lahiri is his family name; Mahasaya means “large minded.” One of Yogananda’s chief aims in writing Autobiography of a Yogi was to share the life of Lahiri with the general public for the first time.

Ananda’s lineage of Masters are deeply rooted in the teachings of Self-realization. Each week we will explore the life of one of these great teachers, weaving together the story of their immense wisdom, power, and love. The masters come, not to show us how great they are, but to show us how great we, ourselves, can become.

Instructor: Brahmachari Tandava

Cost: $75 for 6-week series or $15/class
Register online for 10% discount

May 1: Jesus (Saranya)
May 8: Babaji (Saiganesh)
May 15: Lahiri Mahasaya (Tandava)
May 22: Sri Yukteswar (Lakshmi)
May 29: Yogananda (Shanti)
June 5: Swami Kriyananda, friend and guide (Asha)
