Saturday, Jun 26, 8-2pm
In-person at the Ananda temple, Palo Alto (This event is only for in-person attendance and will not be live streamed)
Light vegetarian breakfast and lunch served as part of the retreat
The Ananda sadhaka order consists of devotees walking the path of Kriya yoga, who see the Ananda community as their spiritual family. This is a day long retreat for those that have already embraced this vow, to reconnect with one another and re-energize their spiritual lives.
This day will be guided by Asha, Shanti and others on Sangha staff, and will consist of guided meditation, inspirational talks and group discussions.
8 - 9:30am Group meditation
10- 2pm Inspirational talks by Shanti, Asha and others, group discussions in small groups, looking at the year
Fee $30 (includes cost of light meals)