Thursdays, January 23 - April 23
4-month series • $525
week 1 • new students welcome through week 3
One of our most popular offerings, Raja Yoga is a deep dive into spirituality as a way of life. It offers a scientific approach to the spiritual life, with techniques for stilling the mind and expanding our awareness of spiritual realities. It offers techniques for self-mastery in every aspect of life, from calming turbulent emotions to awakening deep compassion and love for others. Ultimately, it is a well-explored pathway, walked by countless yogis and mystics, to union with God.
6 pm Gentle hatha yoga session
6:45 pm Guided meditation
7:15 pm Vegetarian potluck dinner
7:45 pm Class discussion/lecture
9-9:30 pm Optional guided practice session
The teachings of Raja Yoga are compatible with the core teachings of all the great world religions. Devoted members of other faiths are also an active part of Ananda.
Instructors: Shanti Rubenstone, Brahmachari Tandava, Brahmacharini Lakshmi, Vivekadevi Noh-Kuhn, and others
Cost: $525 (regrets; no discount for online registration)
Auditors who wish to attend again
You are welcome to join if there is room after new student enrollment.
Explore these areas of study
Yoga Philosophy: the purpose of life • the dream nature of the world • what is the soul? • karma: the law of life • what is good and evil? • inner spiritual realities (the chakras, kundalini) • what happens when we die? • what is a guru? • the cycles of time (yugas) • how to achieve freedom from suffering • what is God? • Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Hatha Yoga: yoga postures for health • preparation for deep meditation
Pranayama: how breath influences the mind, body, and energy • breathing techniques to reduce fatigue, depression, or lack of mental clarity • techniques for stilling the mind and heart • techniques to calm strong emotions • methods of slowing the heart • health benefits
Meditation: clinical research on meditation • the purpose of meditation • techniques to calm the mind • how to reach deeper states of meditation • meditation as a spiritual practice • the role of the heart (devotion)
Healing: yogic techniques for improved overall health • techniques to help chronic pain, insomnia, high blood pressure, anxiety, weight problems, digestion, heart ailments, and stress • methods of healing others • healing at a distance • affirmation • prayer
This immersion includes course texts, The Art and Science of Raja Yoga, Swami Kriyananda, How to Meditate, John (Jyotish) Novak, and a syllabus.
More testimonials
“The teachers individually and together are wonderful, experienced and caring people. They create a community where the energy is clear and high.”
—S. M.
“I could keep coming to this class for years and never get tired of it. On a scale of 1-10, this is an 11!”
—A. Trowbridge
“...a philosophy and way of being that far surpasses anything I’ve studied before.”
—B. Gallup
“This is a fun class with like-minded people. The content was excellent and made me want to learn more. Great teachers, great energy—and great food.”
—A. Manolov”