Week 3 of a 7-week series • Saturdays, May 3-June 21 (no class 5/24)
Cost: $497 • early bird: $397 if registered by 4/19
Repeat participants: $297
Would you like to live a more radiant and healthy life?
Yogananda’s teachings on health are fascinating, practical, and help enhance overall vitality. Easy to incorporate into busy lives, these tools yield life-changing benefits.
Experience the gift of self-discovery as we:
Learn how to ensure our body receives the essentials it needs for optimal health
Cultivate the energy and enthusiasm required to enhance the functionality of our life
Discover tools to choose happiness on a daily basis
Create the pathway to experiencing deeper meaning in life
Transform unwanted habits
Exercise regularly and love it
Learn to nourish the spirit--body, mind and soul
This series Includes:
Guided practices of yoga postures and meditation
Vigorous affirmation walks
Guided yoga techniques for greater energy
Instruction in a meditation technique that will work for you, even if you've never had luck with meditation before
Teachers who have been practicing these techniques for many years
A comprehensive reference manual for Radiant Health
Yoga Alliance RYT's and E-RYT's: This course will offer continuing education credit.
Instructors: Yudhisthira Andrews and Adriana Buenaventura
“At the beginning of the program I was having difficulties in meeting the commitments and goals I wanted to achieve. My thoughts were negative and worried, my meditations were superficial, I felt impatient and impulsive.
After the first class I decided that I wanted to incorporate some healthy habits such as eating more slowly, breathing consciously, meditating, and raising my energy.
During and at the end of the program I felt lighter. I feel like I love myself more and I am more proud of myself, with more energy and positivity. I notice that my thoughts are of success, peace and inner calm. I know that everything is possible through the hand of God and if you ask him for help.
The environment of the classes is high, it helped me raise my energy. The other class members were good company and I discovered that I can be consistent and apply the tools given by Yogananda in this elevated environment and thus meet my commitments.
The program is complete, dynamic and well organized. The teachers transmit wisdom and knowledge with great clarity and self-confidence.
I recommend this course if you are experiencing any personal challenge. It simply works!”
—E.C., Palo Alto“My first language is Spanish and although it was a challenge for me to take the program in English, I decided to take it. In addition to the language, I thought it was going to be difficult to practice yoga.
The way the teachers taught the yoga postures, the use of tools such as affirmations, energy levels and doshas seemed simple and practical to me. I also appreciated the support they gave me to assimilate some concepts in Spanish.
The program benefited me spiritually, my diet improved and I am sleeping much better. I could say that it helped me stay centered and help others, be there for others.
I liked the program! It offers practical and simple tools that can be applied at any time to face life's challenges.
Again, I am very grateful for the support received from the teachers. I hope there is a continuation of this program. Thank you very much and many blessings.”
—E.T., Palo Alto“I felt grumpy during the day and came home very tired after work, I didn't even have the energy to exercise or cook. I was having trouble falling asleep and was drinking strong coffee to re-energize my body from not sleeping well.
During the program I discovered that not having a healthy diet caused me to feel without energy and heaviness during the day and all this interfered with my mental health, my meditations and caused me to be irritable during my work hours.
So I started eating healthy and consciously, during the course of the program. I knew that changing my diet as a first step would change many things. The results were magnificent. I was able to recover my sleep and fall asleep earlier, which has helped me wake up with more energy. I also stopped watching social media at night and that has helped me be more relaxed before going to sleep. Also, I felt so good that I stopped drinking coffee in the morning and replaced it with a vegetable juice. Now, my body feels healthy, light and with more energy. My stress is reduced and I can sleep more relaxed. My mind is calmer when I meditate.
The affirmations have had a great impact. They, like replacing toxic habits with productive ones, are tools that I will continue to use in my life.
I recommend this program because the tools are very effective and simple to carry out and the results are magnificent! It is a program that allows us to observe those small obstacles in our lives that can be a great factor in continuing to repeat bad habits or having a complicated or miserable life.
The program has helped me so much in such a short time! I feel lucky to have had this opportunity. My most infinite THANK YOU for this wonderful experience, for your passion to share your wisdom. Blessings. You are a great team.”
—M V.“When the course in Radiant Health began, my life challenges were stressful and caused insomnia, an anxious feeling all the time, weight gain, and a spiritual block. I felt too overwhelmed to pray or ask God for guidance.
The challenges didn’t go away, but breathing, meditating and affirmations helped.
It’s so simple but breathing techniques have really helped me. We all breathe daily but to take a few minutes to focus and calm myself has been the best tool ever.
Taking this course gave me time to focus on yourself. It was a gift and I need to do it more often. It was perfect timing at a difficult moment in my life. The course renewed my energy, empathy and patience.”
—P.S., San Mateo“When the course first started, I felt defeated in my heart and in my body. I had issues falling or staying asleep. I was moody and focused on anything that anybody else did differently that the way I wanted them to do it. And I wasn’t doing any physical activity anymore, only walking as a last resort.
Once the program began, I went back to working out, I stopped thinking negative thoughts about my body. I was receiving medical treatments, and I was able to go to my appointments without anxiety, fear or stress. I am now being intentional about increasing the positive input in my life including people, music, tv, etc. And I am reducing negative input and situations even if that means distancing myself from negative people.
The tools I have learned in Radiant Health have been very effective in meeting the challenges in my life. I now can practice a walking affirmation even for short distances. I learned a new meditation technique that has a deeper, spiritual dimension than the one I first learned. Another tool that I learned in Radiant Health include breathing exercises to either energize or calm down. And I can now identify those people, activities, thoughts and feelings that are uplifting or downward pulling.
This course in Radiant Health has helped me move forward with my very challenging life situation. Now I feel hopeful, uplifted, strong, and I have learned tools that I can incorporate as needed. I might even say that this course has helped me have a much better outlook on life.
Much gratitude to the both of you.”
—K.V., Redwood City“When the Radiant Health program first began, I was overthinking almost everything, my diet was not really ideal, and I felt like there was never enough time in each day to do the things that really mattered. Emotionally, I felt drained, my stress level was high, and my sleep was poor.
Now, as the course nears completion, I have more control of my thoughts and my sleep is better. This is because of the mantras and affirmations that I learned to use, and because of the focus on good habits. Radiant Health offers a holistic approach to well-being and connects the mind with the body.
I especially appreciated the combination of physical exercises with a discussion-based class afterward. Simply brilliant.
I am eternally grateful to both of you. You are both wonderful.”
—P.E., Palo Alto“When the first class started I was feeling overwhelmed and sluggish. My diet was not as healthy as it used to be. I was always tired but still had a hard time getting restful sleep. Overall, I felt slow to get going and had to put out extra effort to find those moments that, in the past, felt accomplished and joyful.
This course in Radiant Health has created space for me to understand that perhaps starting slow is actually okay, even a positive part of my natural inclinations. And that my determination to keep going was also a blessing.
I am learning to start everything I do with “Divine Mother, Heavenly Father, my Beloved God and Gurus, guide me to find joy in all I do.”
This course helped me to understand my doshas, my physical constitution. And to change my nutritional intake to support balance between my doshas. And to be kind to myself as well as others.
I want to recommend this course in Radiant Health to others because it provides space to go on a personal, inner retreat with your highest self. This journey for me has been spiritual as well as physical as the classes moved up through the levels of the Radiant Health Pyramid. I truly felt Grace guiding my way.
Thank you to Adriana and Yudhisthira for the warmth, love, and commitment you demonstrated throughout the course. And for how you created a haven for inner work to flourish. You held us with love and created a safe space for everyone in the class.”