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Mastering Prana: Energy Control for Inner Transformation

  • Ananda Temple 2171 El Camino Real Palo Alto, CA United States (map)

Saturday morning with Lakshmi and Yudhisthira

Prana, the life force that flows through us and all creation, holds the key to emotional balance, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. The practice of Yoga offers profound tools for mastering life’s energy and achieving spiritual growth; it teaches us that by controlling the breath, we can control the life force (prana) within us, which impacts our inner states, emotions, and pranic energy. 

Drawing from the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, this morning workshop delves into the power of prana and its transformative effects on every aspect of our life. 

Together we will:

  • Learn how prana connects with our thoughts and emotions.

  • Discover how mastering its flow can bring greater vitality, inner calm, and spiritual awareness.

  • Awaken and direct this vital energy through Yogananda’s energization exercises.

  • Harmonize prana through yoga postures, pranayama, and meditation techniques.

Join us to uncover the secrets of energy control and experience the profound joy and strength that come from living in harmony with prana.

Contributing members of Ananda are welcome to join the class in-person free of cost.


Earlier Event: August 2
Ananda Valley Farm Community Work Day