Last session of the 4-week series • drop-ins welcome
Using all three volumes of Nayaswami Shivani's dynamic and deeply inspired book series—based on her 50 years of studying Yogananda's healing and energy teachings—we will explore and practice many of the techniques she shares. Additionally, we will delve into the underlying energetic blueprint that guides us toward deeper insights, transformative healing, and spiritual growth.
Learn a variety of simple yet highly effective practices, build confidence in your awareness and ability to attune to the flow of the Divine Healing Force, and experience greater health. You'll also discover how to access heightened energy and inner joy at any time, leading to a sense of inner freedom and fulfillment.
Class 1 - Understanding and working with prana, or vital life force
Class 2 - Focusing our abilities to more effectively master the mind
Class 3 - Developing our magnetism for healing and transformation
Class 4 - Integration of prana, mind, and magnetism for deepening awareness and grater happiness