Wednesdays in September • drop-ins welcome
Where does happiness come from? A groundbreaking scientific discovery in recent years is the concept of a “happiness set-point” – a combination of genetic and learned tendencies that keep us at a certain level of happiness, similar to a thermostat for room temperature. The key to improving our level of happiness is twofold: a strong determination to live happily, and the willingness to “rewire” our thoughts and behaviors to shift this baseline in a positive direction.
No matter what we are doing, Yogananda shared that we can keep the undercurrent of happiness, the secret river of joy, flowing beneath the sands of our thoughts and the rocky soils of hard trials. Happiness is more than positive psychology. Lasting happiness can only be realized within, through inner communion with a higher reality.
This course is grounded in practical approaches. We will discuss timeless teachings and latest scientific discoveries. Each week includes guided exercises to open new doorways for self-discovery and ways to apply them in our life. Join us on this inner journey.
Fee $60 for the series, $15 for each class
Contributing members of Ananda are welcome to join the class in-person free of cost. Sign up required to receive recordings.
Drop ins are welcome in all classes. Attending the whole series is recommended.