Join us as we lift up our hearts in a joy-filled evening and celebration of Light!
The Ananda Palo Alto temple stands as a beacon of light serving all of San Francisco Bay Area, sharing the timeless teachings teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and acting as a haven of peace and stillness for all sincere seekers.
This fundraiser is to raise money for multiple and much needed physical upgrade projects to our temple.
The main projects in focus are replacing the carpet in the temple sanctuary (estimated $80,000), landscaping and beautifying of the grounds (estimated $30,000), and upgrades to our teaching center facility ($20,000). The goal is to raise $130,000 that will serve to maintain, upgrade and preserve this sacred space for generations to come.
We invite all of you to join us for an uplifting evening in the presence of Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi, spiritual directors of Ananda Worldwide. It is an opportunity to greet them in person and also receive the inspiration they will share during the event.
The entertainment portion of the evening will focus on tuning into devotion for the divine mother through the Spanish tradition, especially through the songs of Alfonso X, believed by many to be a previous incarnation of Swami Kriyananda.
The evening will include a Spanish themed dinner - starting with refreshing mocktails, followed by a delicious tapas platter and vegan paella for main course, and complete with desserts.
No entry fee or registration required. Donations invited during the evening (all forms of payment accepted)
If you wish to make a donation but cannot join in person, you can use the button below. If you wish to donate in kind or in other ways to these specific projects, please speak with anyone on staff.