Tuesdays, Feb 19-March 12
4-week series • Cost: $100
Prerequisite: Kriya Prep 1
Meditation has often been called “the listening part of prayer.” After we have done our share of talking, meditation leaves an opening for the Divine to respond. Learn how to expand your awareness to perceive this Divine response as you continue your preparation for Kriya Yoga.
This class includes:
How to deepen one's practice of meditation, and develop a better understanding of the two main techniques already learned: Hong Sau and the Energization Exercises
Learn the Aum Technique of meditation, and the philosophical understanding of God as Cosmic Vibration
Learn the yogic science which is the foundation for the Kriya technique, along with Kriya preparation exercises which help prepare one for Kriya initiation
Develop an understanding of Kriya Yoga as a comprehensive spiritual path, which includes much more than techniques
Cost: $100
Register online for 10% discount