Experience Ananda Community
An intentional spiritual community in Mountain View
Ananda Community is home to many students of Yogananda's teachings — a beautiful oasis of peace in Silicon Valley. Though most of our classes and events take place at the Temple in Palo Alto, some are hosted in the community. Those who are inspired by Yogananda’s teachings may inquire about residency, or drop by for a tour. Call us at 650-941-6507.
What you’ll find
A spacious 72-home apartment complex on five acres in a quiet residential neighborhood near the border of Mountain View, Palo Alto, and Los Altos.
A large, beautifully landscaped courtyard with stately, tall shade trees and outdoor meditation shrines
A temple for meditation at any time, as well as times for group meditation
Shared vegetarian meals and satsang with other residents
A solar-heated swimming pool
A large organic garden and opportunities to plant and harvest throughout the year
Learn more about the community
Personal freedom; personal responsibility
Central to living at Ananda is the freedom of the individual to develop spiritually as he feels inwardly inspired. Residents share a deep desire for God and a spirit of joyful friendship. Residents are naturally considerate of one another and cooperate together to minimize those influences which work against our spiritual practices. Drugs, alcohol, and smoking are not permitted.
““I’ve lived here for many years while working outside Ananda in a corporate setting. I can easily see what my life would have looked liked if I‘d never moved here. It would have been very easy to slip, bit by bit, away from my spiritual ideals. I have a deep sense of appreciation for the atmosphere of support, and for the deep friendships we share.” ”
Pushing the edges of growth
The spiritual journey is intensely personal; no one can walk it for you. Our victories and challenges are uniquely our own. At the same time, the work of breaking down the ego and opening to the power of the Divine is the greatest challenge we will ever face. If we are honest with ourselves, we often flinch from the effort.
This is why monasteries and ashrams have been home to seekers for millennia. It is easier to make progress spiritually when in the company of other seekers. And the rough edges of ego that need smoothing come to the surface in community life, that otherwise lie hidden when the soul is working alone.
““The first time I visited the community, during an Open House, I heard a little voice say, ‘I could live here!’ A year later I did. I’ve been a part of Ananda for years now, and not only have I never regretted becoming part of Ananda, but I love it more each passing day. I love knowing all my neighbors. I love having soul friends who live thirty seconds away. I love dinners together with friends. I love interacting on a daily basis with others who share my commitment to finding God. I love experiencing and witnessing so much joyful service. And most of all I love feeling nestled in the loving, joyous, peaceful presence of the Masters, right where I live.””
““It’s the day-to-day blessings that keep me energized and grateful, whether it’s working with fellow devotees), hearing one of Asha’s sermons, or living in a community setting which proves to me again and again that ‘environment is stronger than will.’””
Why live in spiritual community?
“One of the fundamental needs of our age is for putting down roots again. We have extended ourselves too far outward, away from the Self within, and away from the natural rhythms of the planet on which we live. Even in our outward, human associations we have lost touch with reality. The average person in America today moves fourteen times in his life—not to new homes in the same community, but to different communities altogether. Loneliness has become chronic. Friendships tend to be of the cocktail party and patio barbecue variety, and not the deep bonds that people form as a result of trials and victories shared.
We know people to smile at, but not to weep with, not to confide in, not to go to for help in times of physical, emotional, or spiritual distress. Small, spiritual communities offer a viable alternative to the depersonalizing influences of our times. People living and working together, sharing with one another on many levels of their lives, suffering, growing, learning, rejoicing, winning victories together, they develop a depth in their outward relationships as well that helps them, inwardly, to acquire spiritual understanding.
Cooperative spiritual communities provide a vital solution to one of the most pressing needs of our times—an opportunity for those who want to develop spiritually to do so in a supportive environment, and a dynamic example to the rest of the world that spiritual principles really work.”
From Swami Kriyananda’s The Path
Establishing householder communities was one Yogananda’s most cherished dreams.
““To spread a spirit of world brotherhood among all peoples, and to aid in the establishment in many countries, of self-sustaining world-brotherhood colonies for plain living and high thinking.” ”
Swami Kriyananda was deeply inspired by his guru’s vision. He founded the first spiritual community in 1968 in northern California. Hundreds of people live at Ananda Village today. Since then, more communities have been established and are home to 1,000 people worldwide. Communities include: Mountain View, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Assisi (Italy), and several communities in India. Learn more
Swami Kriyananda speaks on the benefits of living in spiritual community
audio | video 0:49
Scenes from a recent community Open House, and excerpts from a talk by Swami Kriyananda on living in spiritual community
video (0:14) (excerpted from the complete talk above)