Ananda Top

A place of awakening

meditation, yoga, and spiritual community

Are you seeking inner peace? Wanting to find purpose and meaning in life? Perhaps you have had questions about God, or are seeking a deeper understanding of spirituality. For 50 years, Ananda has offered support and friendship for your spiritual journey.


What is Ananda? (5-min video)


Ananda is one of the largest and oldest meditation centers in northern California. Skilled instructors with personal life-long practices will help guide you, from sitting comfortably to learning how to calm the mind and the heart. Whether your interest is meditation as a spiritual practice, or for stress reduction and health, you will feel at home in an Ananda meditation class. If you can’t join us in person, we also offer online classes.

Yoga: ancient tools for self-mastery


What is Yoga?

Though most people think of yoga as physical postures, yoga is an ancient and powerful tool for spiritual development. The science of Raja Yoga is a comprehensive approach to life that includes meditation, postures, philosophy, devotional practices, healthy living, and much more. It helps us to develop inner strength, a calm, compassionate heart, and deepening awareness of our spiritual nature.

Drop in on yoga postures classes, for greater health and flexibility. Ananda Yoga is an approach to postures that helps develop greater inner awareness. We offer a full schedule of drop-in yoga postures classes for beginners and advanced students.

Truths shared by the great religions

Sunday services include comparative readings and talks from the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita (one of India’s most beloved scriptures). The emphasis is on the underlying truths shared by the great religions. Our service is based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi and his direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda.


Yogananda’s teachings are delightfully free of dogma; he encourages spiritual seekers to test the ideas he shares in the laboratory of their own lives. His God is “nearer than the near; dearer than the dear” — knowable as the closest friend. Through meditation and uplifted consciousness in daily life (awareness, kindness, openness), we become more aware of ourselves as spiritual beings; less bound by our individual drives and ego tendencies. People of any faith are welcome, and may find the services are a place where they can take their own faith and understanding deeper.

“Here, I am finding answers to questions I have asked for decades. Thank you for shining your love like a lighthouse, guiding me home.”
— D. B.

Meaningful connections with others


One of the most frequent comments by visitors is, “I feel so much joy here!” The smiles you’ll meet are genuine. Ananda is a place of music, laughter, deep spiritual fellowship, and a refreshing sense of humor.

I felt at home the moment I heard the music. So much joy. I felt tears of gratitude to have found what I was seeking after a lifetime of searching.
— Karen K, Mountain View

All are welcome

Ananda’s primary goal is to help people achieve Self-realization. “Self-realization is the eternal message of religion. Whatever your beliefs and practices, the essential purpose of religion is to help you to fulfill your own highest potential, as a child of God.” —Paramhansa Yogananda.

Ananda offers classes, support, and inspiration to to all, regardless of race, religion, national origin, gender, orientation, age, or disability. We are committed to providing a supportive environment for everyone to deepen and enrich their spiritual lives.


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